Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The time is here

I had the opportunity to meet Emmie's new teachers today. Of course I adore Mrs. D and have known her for a few years now, just through passing in the hallways of school and the occasional chat. Mrs. W will be co-teaching with her and is new to our school. I met with them briefly about what to expect with Emmie and gave them a short CAPD and Emmie 101 folder. They both are delightful and seem to understand Emmie's needs. Both seem more than willing to work with her and her needs, and me as the parent. It certainly puts some of my fears at bay. I think this is going to be a good year for Emmie with two fabulous teachers.

Emmie's STAR results arrived today. The STAR test is the California Standardized Testing and Reporting program which basically means it's a test students takes to see where they are based on students across the state. Personally, I don't put a lot of stock in these tests. A child could take the same test two days in a role and score differently both times. I don't think this is a measure of what my child knows or a measure of my child period. It's interesting to read over them and see where their strengths were at that time, but I'm not going to put a label on my child based on these results. However, some parents live by these tests. I personally only use them for informational purposes. So, Emmie's test arrived and according to the test her highest score came in "measurement and geometry". Her lowest range was a tie between "word analysis and vocabulary development" and "written conventions". This test isn't modified for Emmie, however she does take the test in the Resource room to allow for minimal distractions and extra test taking time. Obviously, if you struggle to read the question you aren't going to pass a test. So, the results were scanned and tucked nicely back in the envelope they arrived in. I know my kid and I know she's more than just a line graph on a piece of paper!

Tomorrow is our first day of school. Emmie is nervous and can't seem to remember her teacher's name! Poor thing! I am hoping once she gets there and sees people she knows, she will relax. The problem is our school only has about 40 families returning and about 400 new families. The process of a base realignment from a clueless Commander. What ever happened to putting the kids first? Politics..that's all it's about these days.

I can't wait to tell you about our first day of third day!

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