Monday, June 13, 2011

A day in the life..

As much as I say I'll blog regularly, it just doesn't happen. I have really good intentions, but life somehow, always gets in the way.

Emmie had her first sleep over, well first one without her big sister there, over the weekend. I can not tell you how excited she was. I mean, the sleep over was on Saturday and she was packed on Tuesday. I, of course, had to re-pack her because I think she thought she was going for a year! I took her to her friends house around 5 pm and saw her around noon the next day. Her friend had a sporting event and I came along to cheer her on. After, we had lunch then swam at her house for a few hours. Although Emmie got 8 hours of sleep at the sleepover, she slept an entire 15 hours last night. Any sort of change or over stimulation like going to a sleepover completely and totally exhausts her. She had a blast though and I know we'll be having many more sleepovers in the future, but it breaks my heart to see her so tired over the situation. There is nothing that could have been know, it's just part of having a special need.

Which brings me to how our night ended. Emmie came down from her bath sporting white and blue capri pants and a pink and white striped shirt. She always chooses comfort over fashion and could simply care less if she matched. I rolled my oldest daughter's hair with her dad's dress socks. Yes, you read that right! Thank you YouTube! LOL And had one sock left over. Emmie decided it MUST go with her outfit and put on the one sock. I wanted to take her picture, however asking her to take her picture lead to a complete meltdown. Another day in the life I suppose....

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