Friday, February 3, 2012

Can I get an Amen?

I think a blog update is in order, maybe change the font or photo. Who knows? I guess I should update it since we are now going through a curious case of CAPD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Sprinkle it with rainbow sprinkles and it's a party, huh?

I have this friend named Holly. She's the most remarkable mother, wife, and friend. I can honestly say there was some higher power that aligned everything just right to put her in my life. She has been supportive and loving and always gives me one heck of a laugh through our process with Em. She recently moved to Virginia (sad face) and has an amazing community for her special needs children. One of her doctors wrote this and I had to share it. "Here's the main problem with the proposed re-definition of autism in DSM-V: autism shouldn't even be in DSM-V. This is the diagnostic manual used by psychiatrists to define psychiatric disorders. Autism is not a psychiatric disorder. It is a systemic disorder that affects the brain as well as other organ systems including the gastrointestinal system and the immune system. Don't take my word for it. Ask Dr. Martha Herbert, pediatric neurologist at Harvard and Mass General. Defining autism according to criteria established by psychiatrists is nothing more than a historical relic. Psychiatrists are infrequently involved in the evaluation and treatment of individuals with autism, unless of course that individual has a co-existing psychiatric disorder. Much more often, the evaluation and treatment of individuals with autism is managed by neurologists, developmental pediatricians, and yes, primary care physicians. We should be the ones who establish the diagnostic criteria, not the American Psychiatric Association."

No other words needed...other than AMEN!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Knock Knock..anyone home?

I haven't drown yet. Some days it feels like I have, some days a friend throws a life vest, and some days I feel like I'm walking on water. Yep, it's a roller coaster ride over here!

I'm almost afraid to admit how long it has been since I have posted on here. But then today, a new friend mentioned she read my blog. How embarassing that I haven't posted since the middle of last year. Hey, at least there is a reader though right?

Our journey began with Central Auditory Processing Disorder. It was a journey we started with no map or snacks. It was one heck of a trip. A fork was in the road and Emmie was diagnosied on the autism spectrum last year. Now our bumpy journey is like a jerky train ride.

I have so much to say about the autism spectrum, about our daughter and her sensory issues, and about our life in general. For now, I have to go get her out of the kitchen floor where she is currently standing on her head singing.

My life in huh is now my life of everyday surprises.