Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ahh, Saturday has arrived!

Sweet, Sweet Saturday! I love getting to sleep in and not have to worry about rushing out the door for school so early. This morning was lovely as my husband took the kids to the skate park to ride bikes and skateboards while I sat on the couch and did nothing for a bit! I love that man!!

We had our usual Saturday errands, grocery store, clarinet lessons, Wally World. Then went to dinner at one of our favorite places, Mels. Emmie ordered the chicken soup and cornbread, however she only ate maybe a bite of the soup and she was done. She said she felt fine but something is going on...again, can't figure it out yet.

When we got home and they showered, Emmie has decided she wants to purchase something for the class she visits during her recess time. She has such a heart of gold and wants to thank the teacher for letting her come in to work and play with her students during recess. She looked at the shops we visited today, but couldn't find just the right thing. So, when we got home I pulled out some of the catalogs that I have been receiving with Boardmaker, PECS, and other products geared towards special needs families. Seeing her flip through the book and describe what each student in the class enjoys was priceless. She has such a wonderful connection with that classroom and they are always in her thoughts. She picked out a pizza play set because she says her and two other students play "cooking" when she is in there sometimes and they need pizza! I said okay, I would email the teacher to confirm that is appropriate and we could order it. Emmie likes to save soda cans, and if you know my husbands Diet Coke addiction, then you know we have a TON of soda cans. Well, she washes them out, saves them in special bags, and we take her to the recycling plant. Because she does all the work, she gets to keep all the money collected. The pizza set is about $20, and there were two more sets of food on the page. She wants me to order all three and then her pay me in her can money! I tell you, heart of gold!! I told her to keep her can money and I'd order the pizza set for her to give to the class, if the teacher ok's it! She just wants to give, give, give :)

We started on spelling words for the coming week. She was able to read all the words, expect two (two out of sixteen isn't bad!). I made her cards with Boardmaker (again, I can not tell you how much I love that program!). It is such a benefit for her to see the picture that goes along with the word. It allows for a visual picture of the word she is spelling and provides that extra connection when it's time for the test. We also started on our art/spelling project for the week because it's going to take a day or two to complete. We are making a spelling puppet, which she has named "Spelling Spencer". Tonight I printed the puppet parts and she used Crayola paints to paint the parts! Spelling Spencer is now on the counter drying, awaiting his spelling "bones" and lamination! Michaels, today, had their Crayola products priced at 3 for $10! I picked up fabric markers (I see spelling pillowcases and napkins coming soon), color explosion paper and markers, and the neatest "travel" water colors! I'm so excited about the different projects we can do with these wonderful products. I love Crayola!

Tomorrow will be a lazy day, hopefully. I plan to run in the morning, which will be strange since I have been running at night. Kids will probably lounge around the house while Doug watches some sort of football game. I have an errand or two to run, but nothing major. Lazy Sunday it is :) (OH, I almost photos of Emmie coming soon. She has a photo idea, so we are going to try it out soon!)

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